Padg​ett Co​ac​hing
Leadership & Executive Coaching and Consulting

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Ricky Padgett, MBA, CPA, PCC
ICF Certified Executive Coach
Leadership and Team Coach
"Be Your Best Self"
Ricky Padgett, MBA, CPA, PCC
ICF Certified Executive Coach
Leadership and Team Coach
"Be Your Best Self"
"As someone who faced himself in the mirror, I understand the challenges you face with care, empathy, and clarity. Let's work together to find the common language that reconnects you to yourself and others.
Before specializing as a professional coach, I spent approximately three decades in leadership roles in the finance and healthcare sectors with quasi-governmental, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, serving as a controller, director, chief financial officer, and chief operating officer. Today, I work with leaders and teams as they seek clarity and develop the ability to stand up for what's essential in their work and organizations and how it intersects with their lives. Working co-creatively with me, leaders and teams find more meaning and purpose, feel happier and more confident, navigate change and conflict, and work better with others.
Allowing people the permission and space to learn, grow, and become their best selves is a win both individuals and companies can experience. Combining coaching and leadership development with an individual's or team's needs in a way that feels authentic to them allows those wins to unfold over time. These are the foundational pillars of the value that Padgett Coaching provides. I believe by reconnecting you to yourself and others, we will find the solutions for your challenges that are authentic to you. You will be able to carry these solutions with you wherever you go."
Ricky Padgett
My Background
My Background
Coaching is my passion! Attending the Teleos Leader Institute's Coach Development Program in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, was a life ch​anger for me, both professionally and personally.
The program is grounded in Emotional Intelligence, Resonant Leadership, and systems theory, and I immediately experienced the benefits of seeing myself more clearly, seeing others in a new perspective, and responding to change in a new way.
The program prepared me to support executives to enhance their leadership presence, build resonant climates and strong relationships, and navigate organizational complexity.
I am especially interested in the application of Gestalt practices within coaching, and I have attended classes at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as furthered my knowledge and application of Gestalt applications within my coaching practice since completing the Teleos program.
To find out more about the Teleos Coach Development Program, visit them at www.teleosleaders.com.
My Coaching Approach
My Coaching Approach
My coaching approach focuses on improving leaders' performance and strengthening the connection between the leaders' goals and those of their organizations.
I work to discover, clarify, and align with what leaders want to achieve, encourage self-discovery, elicit leader-generated possibilities and solutions, and provide a framework for accountability for leaders as they move their work forward.
My approach is collaborative and customized to the individual client, group, or team- entirely based on their specific needs. I have tools that I employ with clients, such as goal evolution, informational interviewing, and use of self, and I leverage presence and mindfulness to fully explore, understand, and empathize with clients' intentions.
Coaching is built on a solid coach-client relationship, where trust is critical to successes. To build trust, I present in my naturally friendly and disarming style, and make others feel comfortable and safe, which I find reduces obstacles to being open and trusting.
Certifications & Tools I May Employ
Certifications & Tools I May Employ
Certifications include:
International Coaching Federation, Executive Coach, with an Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation
European Mentoring and Coaching Centre, Global Individual Team Coaching Accreditation
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) administration and facilitation, for both Step 1 and Step 2 assessments
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test administration and facilitation
Korn-Ferry Emotional & Social Competency Inventory assessment - a 360 feedback tool
Hogan Assessments - Development & Selection administration and facilitation